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A 2D short film


Letting go of a loved one can be a hard task. this young girl does all she can to try and move on from the loss of her mother


Bear 2019: Welcome

About Bear

This film was created by a small group of student animators between January 2019- June 2019. 


I produced this film whilst also producing Big Feet. Originally I was just assistant producing on this film, however the producer had to step down for personal reasons so I offered to take over.


I became the producer of this project about half way through the term and the film was behind schedule, so whilst producing the film I also helped to animate. trying to re-motivate the team was quite difficult, however, once they started to see progress they worked ten times harder!


I'm really pleased that we managed to successfully finish this film before our deadline and I could not have done it without the amazing team working with me.

Bear team.PNG
Bear 2019: About

The film has now officially been released to the public! 


 I hope you enjoy!

Bear 2019: Text
Bear 2019: Video

If you would like to see more behind the scenes images please take a look below!

Bear 2019: Text
Bear 2019: Gallery
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