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Big Feet

A stop motion Short film


A lonely Yeti is searching for the missing link in his life. He stumbles upon a secret family he didn't know he had.

Big Feet 2019: Welcome

About Big Feet

Big Feet is a short film that I was the producer on in my second year of University. 

We had 12 weeks to create this short film from pre production to the finished edit and we were able to deliver it on time and to a very good standard. 

We were a team of 7 students and we had 2 sets, 1 puppet and many props like the igloo and plane. We also worked with a team of 3 visual effect students to help the plane look like it was flying. The scenes when the plane is flying is the only scene where we used a green  screen and there is a small amount of 2D animation of the pilot.  The rest of film was painted and hand created.

This film was the third project I ever produced and it was definitely a challenge. Working with 2 mainly 2D directors meant they had lots of ideas that would not be possible in a stop motion film, however, it also pushed us to use new and different camera techniques that we had not tried before.

Big Feet 2019: About

After being shown at numerous festivals the film has now officially been released to the public! 


 I hope you enjoy!

Big Feet 2019: Text
Big Feet laurels 2.PNG
Big Feet 2019: Image
Big Feet 2019: Video

If you would like to see more behind the scenes photos from the Big Feet production please take a look at the Big Feet instagram below.

Big Feet 2019: Text
Big Feet 2019: Instagram
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