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Cuppa Joe

A stop motion/live action short film


A young student learns the hard way that not using a reusable coffee cup can be very bad for you. 

Cuppa Joe 2018: Welcome

About Cuppa Joe

Cuppa Joe is the first stop motion/live action film I produced. We were a small team of  7 and we created this film in September 2018- December 2018.


We were working  properly with a client  for the first time and I was having to keep them updated via email, whilst also managing my team. Because this is a stop motion film I also had to do a lot of budgeting to be able to afford all the equipment to make our sets. Thankfully after the film was finished I set up a meeting with our client and got my team fully reimbursed for the money we spent on the project.


 I think incorporating the live action section not only helped develop our story but it also saved us a lot of time and meant that as a team we all learnt new skills.


This was the first time that I was officially the producer on a project and so I felt a lot of pressure to succeed, we were also working more independently with our client so I wanted to make sure we completed the film on time to meet their deadlines. We completed this on time and to a great standard so I'm really pleased with the result.

camp 6.jpg
Cuppa Joe 2018: About

Below is a copy of the full film. 


 I hope you enjoy!

Cuppa Joe 2018: Text
Cuppa Joe 2018: Video

If you would like to see more behind the scenes photos and videos from the Cuppa Joe production please take a look at the images below

Cuppa Joe 2018: Text
Cuppa Joe 2018: Gallery
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