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Tea Talk

A 2D short film. 


A creature comforts inspired animation interviewing people about their favourite tea.

Tea Talk 2018: Welcome

About Tea Talk

Tea talk is the first ever film I created and also the first ever film I produced.


I didn't actually choose to become the producer on this but someone needed to organise the team and I love be organised so I decided to step up. 

I'm glad I did as that is how I found out that producing is what I wanted to specialise in.


This film is also different than my others as it is not fictional and more of a documentary. Our film idea was to film people asking about their favourite tea so we went out and interviewed people on the streets of Falmouth. 


We then rotoscoped over that footage and added animation on top.

As well as being the producer I also did a lot of the rotoscoping and created the background.


This film was shown at the tea festival held every year at the Pier Pavilion in Falmouth.

person 2.PNG
Tea Talk 2018: About

Here is the full film. 


 I hope you enjoy!

Tea Talk 2018: Text
Tea Talk 2018: Video

If you would like to see more stills from Tea Talk please see the images below!

Tea Talk 2018: Text
Tea Talk 2018: Gallery
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